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1 Module -1
Unit Structure :
1.0 Objectives
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Accounting S tandard 14 Issued By Institute of Chartered Accounts
of India
1.3 Types o f Amalgamation
1.4 Distinction Between Amalga mation in the Nature of Merger a nd
1.5 Purchase Consideration
1.6 Accounting Procedure in the Books o f Transferor Company
1.7 Accounting Procedure in the Books o f Transferee Company
1.8 Exercise
After reading this unit, learner w ill be able:
• To acquaint the knowledge of Amalgamation, Absorption, and
External Reconstruction
• To understand the different methods of Amalgamation
• To compute the Purchase Consideration amount
• To be aware of the various methods of determining Purchase
• To apply practically the procedures of the Amalgamation Accounting
for a company.
1. Amalgamation:
A merger of two or more companies into a single entity is known as an
amalgamation. The assets and liabilities of the merging companies become
part of the merged company in an amalgamation. In exchange for their
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Financial Accounting
and Auditing
2 shares in the merging companies, the shareholders of the merging
companies receive shares in the merged company.
Example: Suppose Company A and Company B merge to form C ompany
C. Company A and Company B shareholders receive shares in Company
C in proportion to their respective shareholdings in the merging companies
or as determined by the terms of amalgamation.
2. Absorption:
Absorption is a type of amalgamation in which one company absorbs
another, and the absorbed company goes out of business. In exchange for
their shares in the absorbed company, the absorbed company's
shareholders receive shares in the absorbing company.
For instance, if Company A absorbs Company B, Co mpany B ceases to
exist. Company B shareholders receive shares in Company A in
proportion to their shareholding in Company B or as determined by the
terms of absorption.
3. External Reconstruction:
When a company has been making losses for several years an d is facing a
financial crisis, it can sell its business to another newly
incorporated company. In reality, the new company is formed to take over
the old company's assets and liabilities. This is known as external
reconstruction. In simple words, external reconstruction refers to the sale
of an existing company's business to a new company formed for the
purpose. External reconstruction involves the liquidation of one company
and the formation of a new one. The liquidated company is known as
"Vendor Company ," while the new company is known as "Purchasing
Company." Vendor company shareholders become purchasing company
1. Scope : Accounting Standard 14 (AS -14) is a stan dard issued by the
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India that provides guidance on
amalgamation accounting. The standard applies to all companies involved
in amalgamations, whether listed or unlisted, and it requires the accrual
basis of accounting t o be used in the preparation of financial statements.
2. Amalgamation : According to AS -14, an amalgamation is a
combination of two or more companies to form a new company, pursuant
to the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 or any other applicable
statu te. It involves the acquisition of one company by another, and after
the amalgamation, the acquired company is dissolved and ceases to exist.
3. Transferor Company : The transferor company is the company that
transfers its assets, liabilities, and reserves to another company, known as
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AS 14 - Amalgamation,
Absorption & External
Reconstruction - I
3 the transferee company, in an amalgamation. The transferor company is
also known as the vendor company.
4. Transferee Company : The transferee company is the company into
which the transferor company is amalgamated, or the com pany that
acquires the assets, liabilities, and reserves of the transferor company in an
amalgamation. The transferee company is also known as the purchasing
AS-14 also provides guidance on the accounting treatment of
amalgamations, such as accoun ting methods, disclosures, and financial
statements for each type of amalgamation. It establishes the principles for
determining the accounting policies, disclosures, and financial statements
for amalgamations, and it requires the consolidated financial st atements of
the merging companies to provide a true and fair view of the merged
entity's financial position, performance, and cash flows.
AS-14, "Accounting for Amalgamations", recognizes two types of
1. Amalgamatio n in the nature of merger :
Amalgamation in the nature of merger is a type of amalgamation that
satisfies all the following conditions:
a. All assets and liabilities of the transferor company become assets and
liabilities of the transferee company.
b. Sharehol ders holding not less than 90% of the face value of the equity
shares of the transferor company (other than the equity shares already
held therein, immediately before the amalgamation, by the transferee
company or its subsidiaries or their nominees) become equity
shareholders of the transferee company by virtue of the amalgamation.
c. The consideration for the amalgamation is discharged only by the issue
of equity shares in the transferee company, except that cash may be
paid in respect of any fractional shar es.
d. The business of the transferor company is intended to be carried on, in
whole or in part, by the transferee company.
e. No adjustment is intended to be made to the book value of the assets
and liabilities of the transferor company when they are incorpor ated in
the financial statements of the transferee company, except to ensure
uniformity of accounting policies.
If an amalgamation satisfies all the above conditions, it is considered to be
an amalgamation in the nature of merger and is accounted for using the
pooling of interests method.
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and Auditing
4 2. Amalgamation in the nature of purchase :
If Amalgamationdoes not satisfy any one of the above five conditions then
it willbe regarded as Amalgamation in the nature of purchase AS-14
requires different accounting treatme nts for these two types of
amalgamations. In the case of an amalgamation in the nature of merger,
the pooling of interests method is used to account for the amalgamation,
while in the case of an amalgamation in the nature of purchase, the
purchase method i s used.
Merger Purchase
1. Shareholders of the transferor
company who own 90% of the face
value of the transferee company
become shareholders of the transferee
company. 1. Transfero r company
shareholders may not become
transferee company shareholders.
2. There is a genuine polling of the
amalgamating companies' assets and
liabilities. 2. There is no genuine polling of
the amalgamation companies'
assets and liabilities.
3. Shareholders' interests are also pooled. 3. There may be no pooling of shareholder interests.
4.The values of assets and liabilities, as
well as reserves, represent the same
values of the merging companies. 4. The assets and liabilities of the
merging companies ma y have
different values.
Amalgamation in the nature of merger is not covered in the Mumbai
University T.Y.B.Com syllabus, so it will not be covered in this book.
Purchase consideration is the amount paid by the transferee compa ny
(purchaser) to the transferor company (vendor) in exchange for acquiring
the assets and liabilities of the transferor company in an amalgamation.
AS-14 provides the following techniques for calculating the purchase
1. Net Assets Method: In t his method, the purchase consideration is
calculated as the excess of the fair value of the net assets acquired over
the consideration paid to the transferor company. The net assets are
calculated as the difference between the fair value of the assets
acqu ired and the fair value of the liabilities assumed.
For example, if the fair value of the assets acquired from the transferor
company is Rs. 20,000 and the fair value of the liabilities assumed is Rs.
12,000, the net assets would be Rs. 8,000. If the tran sferee company pays
Rs. 10,000 to the transferor company, the net assets method would result
in a purchase consideration of Rs. 2,000.
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AS 14 - Amalgamation,
Absorption & External
Reconstruction - I
5 Particulars Amount
(`) Amount
Revised Values of Assets taken over at
agreed values(excluding fictitious assets)
Goodwill XX Land & Buildings XX Plant & Machinery XX Furniture & Fittings XX Motor vehicles XX Investments XX Inventories XX Trade Receivable XX Bills Receivable XX Cash & Cash Equivalent XX Bank XX Total XX
Less: Revised Values of L iabilities taken
over at agreed value
Trade Payables XX Bills payables XX Bank overdraft XX Debentures XX Total (XX)
Purchase consideration XX
2. Net Payment Method: The purchase consideration in this method is
equal to the net payment made by the transferee company to the
transferor company. The net payment is calculated as the difference
between the total amount of cash or cash equivalents or any securities
acquired from the transferor company and the total amount of
payments made to the tran sferor company.
For example, if the transferee company say Nandini Ltd. buys assets and
liabilities worth Rs. 75,000 from the transferor company say Ragini Ltd.
and pays Rs. 40,000 in form of equity shares in transferee company, pays
Rs. 30,000 in form of Preference shares in transferee company, Rs. 20,000
in form of Debentures in transferee company,Rs. 10,000 in form of cash,
the net payment method results in a Rs. 25,000 purchase consideration.
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and Auditing
6 Statement Showing Calculation of Purchase Consideration
Particulars Amount Amount Equity Shares in Nandini Ltd. 40,000 Preference Shares in Nandini Ltd. 30,000 Debentures in Nandini Ltd. 20,000 Cash 10,000 Total 1,00,000 Less: Net Assets Taken Over (75,000) Purchase Consideration 25,000
3. Lumpsum Method: The transferee may provide the amount of
purchase consideration directly, eliminating the need to calculate the
purchase consideration.
For example, Soma Ltd. agrees to buy out Manappa Ltd. business
for ` 95,00,000. So the PC is ` 95,00,000.
4. Exchange of shares Method / Intrinsic value Method: The intrinsic
value of the shares of both companies is calculated using this method,
and the transferor company then issues the shares to the transferee
company based on these values.
If Ledger Accounts are to opened:
1. Realisation A/c
2. Equity Shareholders A/c
3. Preference Shareholders A/c
4. Cash/ Bank A/c
5. Liabilities not taken over A/c
6. Transferee company’s A/c
7. Equity Shares in transferee company A/c
8. Preference Shares in transferee company A/c
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AS 14 - Amalgamation,
Absorption & External
Reconstruction - I
7 If Journal Entries are to be passed
No. Particulars Dr.
Rs Cr.
1 Recording Purchase of Business
Business Purchase A/c Dr. XX
To Liquidator of transferor company XX
(The entry should b e passed at purchase consideration
2 Recording of assets and liabilities taken over
Sundry assets A/c Dr. XX
( With Agreed values)
Goodwill A/c (if any) Dr. XX
To Sundry Liabilities A/c XX
To Business Purchase A/c XX
To Capital Reserve A/c XX
3 Recording Discharge of purchase consideration
Liquidator of transferor company A/c Dr. XX
Discount on issue of shares A/c Dr. XX
To Equity Share Capital A/c. XX
To Preference Share Capital A/c. XX
To Securities Premium A/c. XX
4 Discharge of Liabilities of Transferor Company
Debentures of Transferor Company A/c Dr. XX
Discount on issue of Debentures A/c Dr. XX
To new Debentures A/c. XX
To Securities Premium A/c. XX
5 Recording of payment of liquidation expenses
Capital Reserve/ Goodwill A/c. Dr. XX
To Cash/Bank A/c. XX
6 Recording of Expenses incurred by the transferee
company for its own formation.
Preliminary Expenses A/c. Dr. XX
To Cas h / Bank A/c XX
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and Auditing
7 Recording of Statutory Reserve of transferor company
Amalgamation adjustment A/c Dr. XX
To Statutory Reserve A/c. XX
8 Adjusting of mutual indebtedness of transferor &
transferee company
Sundry Creditors A/c. Dr . XX
To Sundry Debtors A/c. XX
No. Particulars Dr.
Rs Cr.
1 Recording Purchase of Business
Business Purchase A/c Dr. XX
To Liquidator of transferor company XX
(The entry should be passed at purchase
consideration amount.)
2 Recording of assets and liabilities taken
Sundry assets A/c Dr. XX
( With Agreed values)
Goodwill A/c (if any) Dr. XX
To Sundry Liabilities A/c XX
To Busi ness Purchase A/c XX
To Capital Reserve A/c XX
3 Recording Discharge of purchase
Liquidator of transferor company A/c Dr. XX
Discount on issue of shares A/c Dr. XX
To Equity Share Capital A/c. XX
To Preference Sh are Capital A/c. XX
To Securities Premium A/c. XX
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AS 14 - Amalgamation,
Absorption & External
Reconstruction - I
4 Discharge of Liabilities of Transferor
Debentures of Transferor Company A/c
Dr. XX
Discount on issue of Debentures A/c Dr. XX
To new Debentures A/c. XX
To Securitie s Premium A/c. XX
5 Recording of payment of liquidation
Capital Reserve/ Goodwill A/c. Dr. XX
To Cash/Bank A/c. XX
6 Recording of Expenses incurred by the
transferee company for its own
Preliminary Expenses A/c. Dr. XX
To Cash / Bank A/c XX
7 Recording of Statutory Reserve of
transferor company
Amalgamation adjustment A/c Dr. XX
To Statutory Reserve A/c. XX
8 Adjusting of mutual indebtedness of
transferor & transferee company
Sundry Creditors A/c. Dr. XX
To Sundry Debtors A/c. XX
1. What is purchase consideration? What are different methods of
2. Conditions for amalgamation in the nature of purchase.
3. Explain the Term:
a. Amalgamation;
b. Absorption;
c. External Re construction
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Financial Accounting
and Auditing
10 Illustration:1
Following is Balance Sheet of Toofan Ltd as on 31st March 2023
Liabilities Rs Assets Rs
Share Capital Goodwill 1,00,000 10,000 Equity share of
Rs 100 10,00,000 Machinery 2,50,000 2,000 8% Preferenc e
Shares of Rs.100 each
fully paid 4,00,000 Land &
Building 5,00,000 Securities Premium 2,00,000 Furniture 1,00,000 Revenue Reserves 1,00,000 Trade
Receivables 4,50,000 Trade Payables 3,00,000 Inventory 4,00,000 Cash and
Bank 2,00,000 20,00,000 20,00,000
Toofan Ltd received the following offers from Hanuman Ltd.:
1. HanumanLtd. agrees to pay 25,00,000 cash.
2. Hanuman Ltd. agrees to take over on the following terms:
a) Equity shareholders to given 20 Equity shares fully paid of
Rs.15each in Hanuman Ltd.for every 2 Equity shares of Toofan
b) 8% Preference shareholders of ToofanLtd. to be issued 1 0%
Preferance shares of Rs.100 each fully paid on 1:1 basis.
c) Sundry Creditors to be settled in cash.
3. Toofan Ltd. Received another offer Aashna Ltd.offers to take over
business of Toofan Ltd.on the following terms:
a) Assets to be revalued as follows:
Goodwill 1,50,000
Land &Building 9,00,000
Trade Receivables 4,00,000
Inventories 3,50,000
Furniture 80,000
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AS 14 - Amalgamation,
Absorption & External
Reconstruction - I
11 a. Sundry creditors to be taken over subject to 5% discount.
b. 7% Preference shareholders to be issued 10% Preference shares of Rs.
100 each of same amount. Balance of purchase consideration to be
discharged by issue of Equity shares of Rs.10 eachatpar.
c. Prabhu Ltd. agreed to take over Mihir Ltd. on the basis of intrinsic
value of Equity share of Toofan., revaluing Goodwill at Rs.2,00,000.
The entire purcha se price to be paid by issue of 2,0009% Preference
shares of Rs.100 each atpar and balance in Equity shares of Rs.10 each
to beconsidered worth Rs. 12.50.each.
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12 Module 1
Illustration 1. (Payment Method)
Given below are the extracts from the Balance Sheets of Y Ltd. as at 31st
March, 2019.
Particulars Rs. (in Lakhs)
Equity Share Capit al of Rs. 10 each 10.00
8% Pref. Share Capital of Rs. 100 each 2.00
Reserves and Surplus 3.00
12% Debentures of Rs. 100 each 1.00
Current Liabilities 2.20
Non-Current Assets 12.80
Current Assets 5.40
X Ltd. absorbs Y Ltd. as on that date on the fol lowing terms:
1. 12% D ebentures of Y Ltd. are to be discharged by X Ltd. by issuing
such number of its 15% Debentures of Rs. 100 each so as to maintain
the same amount of interest.
2. The issue of such an amount of fully paid 9% Preference Shares in X
Ltd. at 1 25% as is sufficien t to discharge 8% Preference Shares in Y
Ltd. at a premium of 20%.
3. The Equity Shareholders of Y Ltd. will receive the requisite number of
Equity Shares of X Ltd. The Equity Shares of X Ltd. are to be of a
nominal value of Rs. 10 each c redited as Rs. 8 pa id up and valued at
Rs. 15 per share.
4. The transferee company shall pay the cost of absorption which
amounts to Rs. 100000.
Show the calculation and discharge of Purchase Consideration.
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AS 14 - Amalgamation,
Absorption & External
Reconstruction - II
13 Solution.
Calculation and Discharge of Purchase Consideration
Part iculars Rs.
1920, 9% Preference Shares [(200000 + 20%)/125)
X Rs. 125] 240000
100000 Equity Shares [100000 X 15] 1500000
Total Purchase Consideration 1740000
Note. According to AS -14, the amount paid by purchasing company to
dischar ge the debenture ho lders and the liquidation expenses of Vendor
Company are not considered as part of purchase consideration.
Illustration 2.
Calculate the amount of purchase consideration payable by Mini Limited
to Maxi Limited. The Summary Balance Sheet of Maxi Limited as on
March 31, 2012 is as follows:
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Equity Share Capital
(Shares of Rs. 10) 150000 Goodwill 30000 8% Pref. Share Capital
(Shares of Rs. 10) 60000 Land 35000 Capital Reserve 8000 Building 40000 General r eserve 14000 Machin ery 100000 Profit and Loss A/c 3000 Investment 25000 7.5% Debentures (Rs.
100 each) 30000 Stock 24000 Sundry Creditors 12000 Debtors 15000 Outstanding Expenses 8000 Cash & Bank 13000 Share Issue
Expenses 3000 Total 285000 Total 285000
Mini Limite d decided to take over Maxi Limited by issuing 6 Equity
Shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid and Rs. 6.50 in cash for every 5 Equity
Shares held in Maxi Ltd. The Preference Shareholders are to be paid at
premium of 15% by issue of 10% Prefer ence Shares in Mini Ltd.
Debenture holders of Maxi Ltd. will be paid 9.5% Debentures of Mini Ltd.
for equal value. Realisation expenses of Rs. 7500 are to be borne and paid
by Mini Ltd to Maxi Ltd.
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Financial Accounting
and Auditing
14 Solution.
Calculation of Purchase Consideration (Net Pa yment Method)
Payme nt to Old
No. Exchange
Ratio New
No. Issue
Price Amount Equity
Equity Shares
Cash 15000 15000 5:6 5:1 18000 3000 10.00 6.50 180000 19500 Preference
10% preference
Rs. 60000 +
15% Premium 69000 Total Purchase
Consideration 268500
Note: Payment to debenture holders and payment for realization expenses
will not be considered for calculation of Purchase consideration (As per
AS 14)
Illustration 3. (Net Asset Method)
Homer Ltd. and Illiad Ltd . Propose to amalga mate.
Goodwill may be taken at Rs. 96000 for Homer Ltd. and Rs. 38000 for
Illiad Ltd. The Stock of Homer Ltd. and Illiad Ltd. to be taken at Rs.
204000 and Rs. 142000 respectively. You are required to find out the
purchase consideration receivable by both the companies on the basis of
the Net Assets Method. Their financial position as on December 31, 2012
Liabilities Homer Illiad Assets Homer Illiad
Shares of
Rs. 10 each
200000 Fixed Assets
(at cost l ess
and Surplus:
P & L A/c
50000 Current
Cash & Bank
Total 90000 0 300000 Total 900000 300000
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AS 14 - Amalgamation,
Absorption & External
Reconstruction - II
15 Solution:
Purchase Consideration
Particulars Homer (Rs) Illiad (Rs)
Assets Goodwill (as given) 96000 38000 Fixed Assets 400000 100000 Investment 100000 - Stock (Agreed Value) 204000 142000 Debtors 170000 60000 Cash & Bank 30000 10000 Total 1000000 350000 Less. Creditors 100000 50000 Net Assets / Purchase Consideration 900000 300000
Illustration 4
The balance sheet of Shivam Ltd as on 31st December 2020 was below.
Liabilities Amount Assets Amoun t
Equity share cap ital
of Rs. 10 each 150000 Goodwill 20000
11.5% Preference
share capital of Rs.
100 each 50000 Building 49000
Securities Premium 10000 Plant 115000
General reserve 10000 Furniture 5000
Profit & Loss A/c 5000 Investment 10000
Compensation Fund 5000 Stock 20000
Bills Payable 6000 Debtors 15000
Creditors 8000 Bills Receivable 5000
Provident Fund 6000 Cash at Bank 10000
Expenses 1000
Total 250000 Total 250000
Small Limited want s to take over the business on the following terms and
Goodwill: Rs. 30000 Building: Rs. 60000
Plant: Rs. 100000 Furniture: Rs. 4000
Investment at book value.
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and Auditing
16 Stock at Rs. 15000, Debtors at 10% provision, Bills receivable at par, cash
is no t taken over.
The purchase consideration is to be satisfied to the extent of Rs. 40000 by
payment in cash, and balance is payable in equity shares of Rs. 10 each.
Calculation of Purchase Consideration
Particulars Amt Amt
Assets taken over
Goodwill 30000
Building 60000
Plant 100000
Furniture 4000
Investment 10000
Stock 15000
Debtors 15000
Less. R.D.D -1500 13500
Bills Receivable 5000
Total (A) 237500
Liabilities Taken Over
Workmen Compensation Fund 5000
Bills payabl e 6000
Creditors 8000
Provident fund 6000
Total (B) 25000
Purchase Consideration (A – B) 212500
Discharge of Purchase Consideration.
In Cash Rs. 40000
In equity shares of Rs. 10 each Rs. 172500
Total Rs. 212500
Amalgamati on
Illustration 5.
A Ltd. and B Ltd. carry on similar business decided to amalgamate and for
this purpose a new company AB Ltd. was formed to take over assets and
liabilities of both the companies. It is agreed that fully paid shares of Rs.
100 each shall be issued by the Ne w Co. to the value of Net Assets of each
of the old companies.
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AS 14 - Amalgamation,
Absorption & External
Reconstruction - II
17 Summary Balance Sheet of A Ltd. as at 31st March 2012
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Shares of Rs. 50
each 50000 Goodwill 5000
General reserve 20000 Land and Building 17000
Profit and Los s A/c 3000 Plant and
Machinery 24000
Sundry Creditors 4000 Stock 10000
Bills Payable 4000 Debtors 12000
Furniture & Fittings 5000
Cash at Bank 8000
Total 81000 Total 81000
Summary Balance Sheet of B Ltd. as at 31st March 2012
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
800 Shares of Rs. 50
each 40000 Goodwill 2000
Bank Overdraft 8000 Land and Building 10000
Sundry Creditors 8000 Plant and
machinery 16000
Stock 7500
Furniture and
Fittings 7500
Debtors 7000
Cash 300
Profit and Loss A/c 5700
Total 56000 Total 56000
The following is the accepted scheme of valuation of business of the two
A Ltd:
(a) to provide for reserve for bad debts at the rate of 5% on Debtors
(b) to write off Rs. 400 from stock; and
(c) to write off 33 1/3% from plant and machinery
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and Auditing
18 B Ltd:
(a) to eliminate its goodwill and profit & loss a/c balance
(b) to write off bad debts Rs. 1000 and to provide reserve of 5% on the
balance of debtors;
(c) to write off Rs. 1400 from the value of stock.
You are required to pass the journal entries in the books of A Ltd. & B
Ltd. giving effects to the above transactions. Also pass the journal entries
in the books of AB Ltd.
Statement of Purchase Consideration (Net Asset Method)
Particulars A Ltd. B Ltd. AB Ltd.
Goodwill 5000 - 5000
Land and Building 17000 10000 27000
Plant and Machinery 16000 14400 30400
Furniture and Fittings 5000 7500 12500
Stock 9600 6100 15700
Debtors 12000 6000 18000
Cash 8000 300 8300
Total (A) 72600 4430 0 116900
Less. External Liabilities
Reserve for Bad Debts 600 300 900
Creditors 4000 8000 12000
Bills Payable 4000 - 4000
Bank Overdraft - 8000 8000
Total (B) 8600 16300 24900
Purchase Consideration (A –
B) 64000 28000 92000
Fully paid shares of Rs. 100
each AB Limited 64000 28000 92000
Note: Assets for which valuation is not given are taken at book value. Eg.
Land & Building, Furniture etc.
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AS 14 - Amalgamation,
Absorption & External
Reconstruction - II
19 Journal of A Limited
No Particulars Dr (Rs) Cr (Rs)
1 Assets Tfd.
Realisation A/c Dr
To Goodwill
To Land and Building
To Plant and Machinery
To Stock
To Debtors
To Furniture & Fixtures
To Cash
(being the assets transferred to
close the assets a/cs on
2 Liabilities Tfd. Sundry Creditors A/c Dr Bills Payable A/c Dr
To Realisatio n A/c
(Being transfer of current
liabilities on Amalgamation)
3 Purchase Consideration Due AB Limited A/c Dr
To Realisation A/c
(Being the purchase
consideration d ue for take -over
of assets and liabilities)
4 Loss on Realisation Equity Shareholders A/c Dr
To Realisation A/c
(Being the loss on realization
5 Capital Tfd.
Equity Share Capital A/c Dr
To Equity Shareholders A/c
(Being the transfer on
amalgamation to close capital
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and Auditing
20 6 Reserves Tfd. General Reserve A/c Dr
Profit and Loss A/c Dr
To Equity Shareholders A/c
(Being transfer of reserves etc.
on amalgamation)
7 PC Received
Equity Shares in AB Limited
A/c Dr
To AB Limited
(Being the purchase
conside ration received fro m AB
Ltd vide agreement)
8 Payment to Equity
Shareholders Equity Shareholders A/c Dr
To Equity Shares in AB
(Being the payment of purchase
consideration to Equity
Shareh olders vide agreeme nt of
Journal of B Limited
Sr. No Particulars Dr (Rs) Cr (Rs)
1 Assets Tfd. Realisation A/c Dr
To Goodwill
To Land and Building
To Plant a nd
To Stock
To Debtors
To Furniture &
To Cash
(being the assets transferred to
close the assets a/cs on
Page 21
AS 14 - Amalgamation,
Absorption & External
Reconstruction - II
2 Liabilities Tfd.
Sundry Creditors A/c Dr Bank Overdraft A/c Dr
To Realisation A/c
(Being transfer of current
liabilities on Amalgamation)
3 Purchase C onsideration Due
AB Limited A/c Dr
To Realisation A/c
(Being the purchase
consideration due for take -over
of assets and liabilities)
4 Loss on Realisation
Equity Shareholders A/c Dr
To Realisation A/c
(Being the loss on realization
5 Capital Tfd. Equity Share Capital A/c Dr
To Equity Shareholders A/c
(Being the transfer on
amalgamation to close capital
6 Reserves Tfd. Equity Shareholders A/c Dr
To Profit and Loss A/c
(Being transfer of reserves etc.
on amalgamation)
7 PC Received
Equity Shares in AB Limited
A/c Dr
To AB Limited
(Being the purchase
consideration received from
AB Ltd vide agreement)
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and Auditing
8 Payment to Equity
Shareholders Equity Shareholders A/c Dr
To Equity Shares in AB
Limite d
(Being the paymen t of
purchase consideration to
Equity Shareholders vide
agreement of amalgamation)
Journal of AB Limited
No Particulars Dr (Rs) Cr (Rs)
1 Takeover of A Limited (Purchase
Goodwill A/c
Land and Building A/c
Plant and Machinery A/c
Furniture Fittings A/c
Stock A/c
Debtors A/c
Cash A/c
To Creditors
To Bills Payable
To Reserve for Bad Debts
To Liquidator of A Ltd.
(Being the assets and liabilities taken
over at agreed val ue)
2 Liquidator of A Ltd. A/c
To Equity Share Capital
(Being payment of purchase
consideration) 64000
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AS 14 - Amalgamation,
Absorption & External
Reconstruction - II
3 Takeover of B Limited (Purchase
Land and Buil ding A/c
Plant and Machinery A/c
Furniture Fittings A/c
Stock A/c
Debtors A/c
Cash A/c
To Creditors
To Bank Overdraft
To Reserve for Bad Debts
To Liquidator of B Ltd.
(Being the assets and liabilities taken
over at agreed value)
4 Liquidator of B Ltd. A/c
To Equity Share Capital
(Being payment of purchase
consideration) 28000
Illustration 6)
Following is the summary Ba lance Sheets of X L td. and Y Ltd.
Balance Sheets as on 31st March, 2017
Liabilities X Ltd. Y Ltd Assets X Ltd. Y Ltd.
Capital of
Rs. 10
each 7500000 4500000 Building 2500000 1550000 Export
reserves 300000 300000 Machinery 3250000 1700000 Profit &
Loss A/c 700000 600000 Stock 2550000 1800000 General
Reserves 200000 450000 Debtors 900000 1000000
Page 24
Financial Accounting
and Auditing
24 12%
s of Rs.
100 each
300000 Bank 700000 550000
Creditors 700000 550000 Share
Expenses - 100000
Total 9900 000 6700000 Total 9900000 6700000
Z Ltd. was formed to acquire all assets and liabilities of X Ltd. and Y Ltd.
on the following terms:
1. Z Ltd. to have an authorized share capital of Rs. 5 crores divided into
500000 equity shares of Rs. 100 each.
2. The busi ness of both compan ies were taken over for a total price of Rs.
1.2 crores to be discharges by Z Ltd. by issue of equity shares of Rs.
100 each at a premium of 20%.
3. The shareholders of X Ltd. and Y Ltd. to get shares in Z Ltd. in the
ratio of net assets values of their res pective shares.
4. The Debentures of both the companies to be converted into equivalent
number of 14% Debentures of Rs. 100 each in Z Ltd. at a discount of
5. All the tangible assets of both the companies are taken over by Z Ltd.
at bo ok values except th e following:
Assets X Ltd. Y Ltd
Building 2800000 1820000
Machinery 3150000 1600000
6. Sundry Creditors of X Ltd. and Y Ltd. are taken over at Rs. 650000
and Rs. 500000 respectively.
7. Statutory reserves are to be maintained for 3 years more.
You are req uired to : -
1. Compute purchase consideration of X Ltd. and Y Ltd.
2. Pass Journal Entries in the books of Z Ltd.
3. Prepare balance sheet after amalgamation. Apply purchase method.
Page 25
AS 14 - Amalgamation,
Absorption & External
Reconstruction - II
25 Solution.
Purchase Consideration and Settlement
Particulars X Ltd Y Ltd Z Ltd (B S)
Assets Taken Over
Building 2800000 1820000 4620000
Machinery 3150000 1600000 4750000
Stock 2550000 1800000 4350000
Debtors 900000 1000000 1900000
Bank 700000 550000 1250000
(A) 10100000 6770000 16870000
Liabilities Taken
Debentures 450000 270000 720000
Creditors 650000 500000 1150000
(B) 1100000 770000 1870000
Net Assets (A – B) 9000000 6000000 15000000
Consideration (in
ratio of 9:6)
X Ltd. : 120000 X
9 / 15
Y Ltd. : 120000 X
6 / 15
No of Sha res (@
Rs. 120 each)
X Ltd. : 7200000 /
Y Ltd. : 4800000 /
Journal of Z Ltd.
Sr. No Particulars Dr (Rs) Cr (Rs)
1 Business Purchase A/c Dr.
To Liquidator of
X Ltd
To Liquidator of
Y Ltd. 12000000
Page 26
Financial Accounting
and Auditing
26 (Being the purchase of
business as per
2 Building A/c Dr Machinery A/c Dr
Stock A/c Dr Debtors A/c Dr Bank A/c Dr
To 12%
Debentures of X Ltd A/c
To Sundry
Creditors A/c
To Busines s
purchase A/c
To Capital
reserve A/c
(Being the assets and
liabilities of X Ltd. taken
over recorded) 2800000
3 Liquidator of X Ltd. A/c Dr
To Equity
Share Capital A/c
To Securities
Premium A/c
(Being the purchase
consideration of X Ltd.
discharged) 7200000
4 12% Debentures of X
Ltd. A/c
Discount on is sue of
debentures A /c
To 14%
Debentures A/c
(Being the issue of 12%
Debentures to 14%
Debenture holders of X
Ltd. ) 450000
Page 27
AS 14 - Amalgamation,
Absorption & External
Reconstruction - II
5 Building A/c Dr
Machinery A/c Dr Stock A/c Dr Debtors A/c Dr Bank A/c Dr
To 12%
Debentures of Y Ltd A/c
To Sundry
Creditors A/c
To Business
purchase A/c
To Capital
reserve A/c
(Being the assets and
liabilities of Y Ltd. taken
over recorded) 1820000
6 Liquidator of Y Ltd. A/c Dr
To Equity
Share Capital A/c
To Securities
Premium A/c
(Being the purchase
consideration of Y Ltd.
discharged) 4800000
7 12% Debentures of Y
Ltd. A/c
Discount on issue of
debentures A/c
To 14%
Debentures A/c
(Being the issue of 12%
Debentures to 14%
Debenture holders of Y
Ltd. ) 270000
Page 28
Financial Accounting
and Auditing
8 Amalgamation
Adjustment Reserve A/c Dr
To Export Profit
Reserve A/c (X)
To Export Profit
Reserve A/c (Y)
(Being the identity of
Statutory Reserves
retained) 600000
Balance Sheet of Z Ltd. as at 31.03.2017 (After Amal gamation)
No. Parti culars Note
No. Amount
I Equity and Liabilities
1. Shareholders’ Fund
a. Share Capital 1 10000000 b. Reserves and Surplus 2 5000000
2. Non-Current Liabilities
Long Term Borrowings (14%
Debentures) 800000
3. Current Li abilities
Trade Payables 1150000
Total 16950000 II Assets
1. Non-Current Assets
a. Property, Plant & Equipment
Tangible Assets 3 9370000
b. Other Non -Current Assets 4 80000
2. Current Assets
a. Inventories 4350000
b. Trade Receiva bles 1900000
c. Cash & Cash Equivalent (Bank) 1250000
Total 16950000
Page 29
AS 14 - Amalgamation,
Absorption & External
Reconstruction - II
29 Notes to Accounts
No Particulars Amount
1. Share Capital
Equity Share Capital
Authorised Shares : 500000 Equity Shares
of Rs. 100 each 50000000
Issued and Fully paid up shares:
100000 Equi ty Shares of Rs. 100 each
2. Reserves and Surplus
a. Capital Reserve (on Amalgamation) 3000000
b. Export Profit Reserve 600000
c. Security premium 2000000
d. Amalgamation Adjustment Reserve (600000)
Total 5000000
3. Tangible Assets
Building 4620000
Machinery 4750000
Total 9370000
4. Other Non -Current Assets
Discount on issue of Debentures
(Assumed, amortizable after 12 months) 80000
Total 80000
1. Amalgamation Adjustment Reserve is treated as a separat e line item
under “ Reserves” vide the amendment in AS 14 by the MCA
2. Alternatively, Discount on issue of debentures may be written off
against Security premium.
Illustration 7
Aqua Engineers Ltd, a newly formed company acquired business of Beeta
Ltd. as on 31.03.2017. The su mmary Balance Sheet of Beeta Ltd. as on
that date was as under:
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Equity Shares of Rs.
10 each fully paid 150000 Goodwill 20000
General Reserve 25000 Land and Building 80000
Export Profit reserve 8000 Plant 80000
Profit and Loss A/c 18000 Investment 30000
Page 30
Financial Accounting
and Auditing
30 12% Debentures 60000 Stock 40000
Sundry Creditors 37000 Debtors 50000
Provision for Tax 30000 Bills Receivable –
Trade 8000
Bank 20000
Total 328000 Total 328000
Terms of Acquisition
1. Aqua Engin eers Ltd. issued 25 000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each at Rs.
12 per share.
2. Aqua Engineers Ltd. paid Rs. 4 in cash for each shares of Beeta Ltd.
3. Aqua Engineers Ltd. discharged 12% Debentures of Beeta Ltd. at 10%
Premium by issue of its 15% Debentures at a dis count of 12%.
4. Aqua Engineers Ltd. paid absorption expenses Rs. 3000
5. Aqua Engineers Ltd. revalued Land & Building at Rs. 100000, Plant at
10% below book value, Stock at Rs. 35000 and debtors subject to 5%
provision for doubtful debts.
6. Beeta Ltd. sold one -fifth of the shares received from Aqua Engineers
Ltd at Rs. 13 per share.
7. Aqua Engineers Ltd issued 10000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each at Rs.
12 each to the public. The issue was fully subscribed and paid for.
8. Export Profit Reserve is to be maintained for next three years.
You are required to:
1. Compute Purchase Consideration
2. Prepare Realization Account, Aqua Engineers Ltd. Account, Equity
Shareholders Account, Equity Shares in Aqua Engineers Account and
Bank Account in the books of Beeta Ltd.
3. Prepare Balan ce Sheet of Aqua En gineers Ltd. after acquisition under
purchase method.
Aqua Engineers Ltd.
Statement of Purchase Consideration (Net Payment Method)
Particulars Amount (Rs)
Equity Shares (25000 X 12) 300000
Cash (15000 X 4) 60000
Total 360000
Page 31
AS 14 - Amalgamation,
Absorption & External
Reconstruction - II
31 In the books of Beeta Ltd.
Dr. Realization Account
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Goodwill 20000 By 12% Debentures 60000
To Land &
Building 80000 By Sundry
Creditors 37000
To Plant 80000 By Provision for
Tax 30000
To Investmen t 30000 By Aqua Eng ineers
Ltd. A/c (PC) 360000
To Stock 40000 By Equity Shares in
Aqua Engineers
A/c (Profit on sale
of shares) 5000
To Debtors 50000
To Bills
Receivable 8000
To Equity
Shareholders A/c
(Profit on
Realization) 164000
Total 492000 Total 492000
Dr. Equity Sh areholders Account Cr.
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Equity
Shares in
A/c 240000 By Equity
Share Capital 150000
A/c 125000 By General
Reserve 25000
By Export
Reserve 8000
By Profit &
Loss A/c 18000
Page 32
Financial Accounting
and Auditing
A/c (Profit) 164000
Total 365000 Total 365000
Dr. Aqua Engineers Ltd. A/c
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Realization
A/c 360000 By Equity
Shares in Aqua
Engineers A/c 300000
By Cash/Bank 60000
Total 360000 Total 360000
Dr. Equity Shar es in Aqua Engineers Ltd. A/c
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Aqua Engineers
ltd. A/c 300000 By Bank A/c (25000
X 1/5 X 13) 65000
To Realization A/c
(Profit) 5000 By Equity
Shareholders A/c
(Bal) 240000
Total 305000 Total 305000
Dr. Cash/Bank Account
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Balance b/d 20000 By Realization 20000
To Aqua
Engineers Ltd.
A/c 60000 By Equity
A/c 125000
To Equity Shares
in Aqua ltd. 65000
Total 145000 Total 145000
Page 33
AS 14 - Amalgamation,
Absorption & External
Reconstruction - II
33 Aqua Engineers Limited
Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2017
No. Particulars Note
No. Amount
I Equity and Liabilities
1. Shareholders’ Fund
a. Share Capital 1 350000
b. Reserves and Surplus 2 70000
2. Non-Current Liabilities
Long Term Borrowings 3 75000
3. Current Liabilities
a. Trade Payables 37000
B Short Term provision (Provision
for Tax) 30000
Total 562000
II Assets
1. Non-Current Assets
a. Property, Pla nt & Equipment
Tangible Assets 4 172000
Intangible Assets (Goodwill) 183500
b. Non Current Investment 30000
C Other Non -Current Assets 5 9000
2. Current Assets
a. Inventories 35000
b. Trade Receivables 6 55500
c. Cash & Cash Equivalent (Ba nk) 77000
Total 562000
Notes to Accounts
No Particulars Amount
1. Share Capital
Equity Share Capital
Issued and Fully paid up shares:
35000 Equity Shares of Rs. 100 each 350000
2. Reserves and Surplus
a. Export Profit Reserve 8000
b. Secu rity premium reserv e 70000
c. Amalgamation Adjustment Reserve (8000)
Page 34
Financial Accounting
and Auditing
34 Total 70000
3. Long Term Borrowings
15% Debentures of Rs. 100 each (66000/88%) 75000
4. Tangible Assets
Land & Building 100000
Plant 72000
Total 172000
5. Other Non -Curren t Assets
Discoun t on issue of Debentures
(Assumed, amortizable after 12 months) 9000
Total 9000
6. Trade Receivables
a. Debtors (50000 – 2500) 47500
b. Bills Receivable – Trade 8000
Total 55500
Working Notes:
Statement of Net Assets Taken Over
Particulars Amount Amount
Land and Building (Given) 100000
Plant (80000 X 90%) 72000
Investment (Book Value) 30000
Stock (Given) 35000
Debtors (Book Value) 50000
Bills Receivable (Book Value) 8000
Bank (book Value) 20000 315000
Less. Liabilities
12% Debentures (60000 X 110%) 66000
Sundry Creditors (Book Value) 37000
Provision for Tax (book Value) 30000
Provision for Doubtful Debts (50000 X
5%) 2500 135500
Net Assets Taken Over 179500
Less. Purchase Consideration 3600 00
Goodwill 18050 0
Page 35
AS 14 - Amalgamation,
Absorption & External
Reconstruction - II
35 Dr. Cash/Bank Account Cr.
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Beeta Ltd. T/o 20000 By Goodwill (Abs.
Exp) 3000
To Shares issued
(10000 X 12) 120000 By Beeta Ltd. (P.C) 60000
By Balance c/d 77000
Total 140000 Total 140000
1. Alternatively, Discount on issue of debentures may be adjusted against
Security Premium.
2. Amalgamation Adjustment Reserve is treated as a separate line item
under “Reserve” vide the amendments in AS 14 by the MCA.
Illustration 8.
A Ltd. and B Ltd. carry o n similar business decided to amalgamate and for
this purpose a new company AB Ltd. was formed to take over assets and
liabilities of both the companies. It is agreed that fully paid shares of Rs.
100 each shall be issued by the New Co. to the value of Net Assets of each
of the old companies.
Summary Balance Sheet of A Ltd. as at 31st March 2012
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Shares of Rs. 50
each 50000 Goodwill 5000
General reserve 20000 Land and Building 17000
Profit and Loss A/c 3000 Plant and
Mach inery 24000
Sundry Creditors 4000 Stock 10000
Bills Payable 4000 Debtors 12000
Furniture & Fittings 5000
Cash at Bank 8000
Total 81000 Total 81000
Summary Balance Sheet of B Ltd. as at 31st March 2012
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
800 Shares of Rs. 50
each 40000 Goodwill 2000
Bank Overdraft 8000 Land and Building 10000
Page 36
Financial Accounting
and Auditing
36 Sundry Creditors 8000 Plant and
machinery 16000
Stock 7500
Furniture and
Fittings 7500
Debtors 7000
Cash 300
Profit and Loss A/c 5700
Total 56000 Total 56000
The following is the accepted scheme of valuation of business of the two
A Ltd:
(a) to provide for reserve for bad debts at the rate of 5% on Debtors
(b) to write off Rs. 400 from stock; and
(c) to write off 33 1/3% from p lant and machinery
B Ltd:
(a) to eliminate its goodwill and profit & loss a/c balance
(b) to write off bad debts Rs. 1000 and to provide reserve of 5% on the
balance of debtors;
(C) to write off Rs. 1400 from the value of stock.
You are required to prepa re the Ledger Accou nts in the books of A Ltd. &
B Ltd. and also prepare opening balance sheet of AB Ltd.
Statement of Purchase Consideration (Net Asset Method)
Particulars A Ltd. B Ltd. AB Ltd.
Goodwill 5000 - 5000
Land and Buildi ng 17000 10000 2700 0
Plant and Machinery 16000 14400 30400
Furniture and Fittings 5000 7500 12500
Stock 9600 6100 15700
Debtors 12000 6000 18000
Cash 8000 300 8300
Total (A) 72600 44300 116900
Page 37
AS 14 - Amalgamation,
Absorption & External
Reconstruction - II
Less. External Liabilities
Reserve for Bad Debt s 600 300 900
Cred itors 4000 8000 12000
Bills Payable 4000 - 4000
Bank Overdraft - 8000 8000
Total (B) 8600 16300 24900
Purchase Consideration (A –
B) 64000 28000 92000
Fully paid shares of Rs. 100
each AB Limited 64000 28000 92000
Note: Asset s for which valuati on is not given are taken at book value. Eg.
Land & Building, Furniture etc.
Ledger of A Limited
Dr. Realisation Account Cr.
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Sundry Assets
(transfer) 81000 By Creditors 4000
By Bills Payable 4000
By AB Limited (PC
Due) 64000
By Equity
Shareholders (Loss
on realization) 9000
Total 81000 Total 81000
Dr. Equity Shareholders Account Cr.
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Realisation
A/c (Loss) 9000 By Equity S hare
Capital A/c 50000
To Equity
Shares in AB
Ltd. (PC
received) 64000 By General
Reserve Account 20000
By Profit and
Loss A/c 3000
Total 73000 Total 73000
Page 38
Financial Accounting
and Auditing
38 Dr. AB Limited Account Cr.
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Realisatio n A/c
(PC Due) 6400 0 By Equity Shares in
AB Ltd. (P. C
Received) 64000
Total 64000 Total 64000
Ledger of B Limited
Dr. Realisation Account Cr.
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Sundry Assets
(transfer) 50300 By Creditors 8000
By Bank O/D 8000
By AB Limited (PC
Due) 28000
By Equity
Shareholders (Loss
on realization) 6300
Total 50300 Total 50300
Dr. Equity Shareholders Account Cr.
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Realisation A/c
(Loss) 6300 By Equity Share
Capital A/c 40000
To P & L A/c (Dr.
Bal) 5700
To Equity Shares in
AB Ltd. (PC
received) 28000
Total 40000 Total 40000
Dr. AB Limited Account Cr.
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Realisation A/c
(PC Due) 28000 By Equit y Shares in
AB Ltd. (P. C
Received) 28000
Total 28000 Total 28000
Page 39
AS 14 - Amalgamation,
Absorption & External
Reconstruction - II
39 AB Limited
Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2012
No. Particulars Note No. Amount (Rs)
I Equity and Liabilities
1. Shareholders’ Fund
Share Capital 1 92000
2. Current Liabiliti es
a. Trade Paya bles 2 16000
b. Short Term Borrowings (Bank O/D) 8000
Total 116000
II Assets
1. Non-Current Assets
Property, Plant & Equipment
Tangible Assets 3 69900
Intangible Assets (Goodwill) 5000
2. Current Assets
a. Invento ries 15700
b. Trade Receivables (18000 – 900) 17100
c. Cash & Cash Equivalent (Cash in
hand) 8300
Total 116000
Notes to Accounts
No Particulars Amount
1. Share Capital
Equity Share Capital
Issued and Fully paid up shares:
920 Equity Sh ares of Rs. 100 eac h 92000
2. Trade Payables
a. Creditors 12000
b. Bills Payable 4000
Total 16000
3. Tangible Assets
Land & Building 27000
Plant& Machinery 30400
Furniture & Fittings 12500
Total 69900
Page 40
Financial Accounting
and Auditing
40 Absorption
Illustration 9.
Premier Lt d. agreed to acquir e the business of Modern Auto Ltd. as on 31st
March 2012. The Summary Balance Sheet of Modern Auto Ltd. as on that
date was as under:
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Share Capital
6000 Equity Shares
of Rs. 10 each fully
paid up
General Reserve 17000 Machinery 34000
Profit & Loss A/c 11000 Stock 16800
6% Debentures 10000 Book Debts 3600
Sundry Creditors 2000 UTI Bank Account 5600
Total 100000 Total 100000
The considerations payable by Pr emier Ltd. was agre ed at as follows:
a. Cash payment equal to Rs. 2.50 per share in Modern Auto Ltd.
b. Issue of 9000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each of Premier Ltd. having an
agreed value of Rs. 15 per share.
c. Issue of such an amount of fully paid 8% Debentures o f Premier Ltd.
at Rs. 96 each as is sufficient to discharge 6% Debentures of Modern
Auto Ltd. at 20% premium.
While computing purchase consideration, Premier Ltd. valued building
and machinery at Rs. 60000 each, stock at Rs. 14200 and Book Debts
subject t o 5% provision for discount. The cost of liquidation of Modern
Auto Ltd. was Rs. 500
1. Necessary ledger Accounts in the books of Modern Auto Ltd.
2. Journalise the transactions in the books of Premier Ltd.
In the Books of Modern Auto Ltd.
Dr. Realisation Account Cr.
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount To Assets tfd.
10000 By Sundry
Creditors tfd. 2000
Page 41
AS 14 - Amalgamation,
Absorption & External
Reconstruction - II
41 Building
30000 By
tfd. 10000
34000 By P remier
Ltd. A/c 150000
Debtors 3600
Bank 5600 100000
To Cash (Expenses) 500
To Equity Shareholders
(Profit on Realisation) 61500
Total 162000 Total 162000
Dr. Cash Account Cr.
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Premier
Ltd. 15000 By Realisation A/c
(Expenses) 500
By Equity
Shareholders A/c 14500
Total 15000 Total 15000
Dr. Equity Shareholders Account Cr.
Partic ulars Amount Partic ulars Amount
To Cash (15000 –
500) 14500 By Equity Share
Capital 60000
To Equity Shares in
premier Ltd. 135000 By General reserves 17000
By P & L A/c 11000
By Realisation A/c 61500
Total 149500 Total 149500
Page 42
Financial Accounting
and Auditing
42 Dr. Premi er Ltd. Account Cr.
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Realisation A/c 150000 By Cash 15000
By Equity Shares in
Premier Ltd. 135000
Total 150000 Total 150000
In the Books of Premier Ltd.
Sr. No Particulars Dr (Rs) Cr (Rs)
1 Building A/c Dr Machinery A/c Dr Stock A/c Dr Book Debts A/c Dr
UTI Bank A/c Dr Goodwill A/c (Bal. fig) Dr
To Provision for
Discount on Debtors A/c
To Creditors A/c
To Debentures in
Modern Auto Ltd. A/c
To liquid ators of Modern
Auto Ltd. A/c
(Assets and Liabilities taken over at
agreed values, difference between
P.C and net assets value tfd. To
goodwill) 60000
2 Liquidators of Modern Auto Ltd. Dr.
To Cash
To Equity Shares Capital
To Securities Premium
(Purchase Consideration paid) 150000
Page 43
AS 14 - Amalgamation,
Absorption & External
Reconstruction - II
43 3 Debentures in Modern Ltd. A/c Dr
Discount on issue of De bentures
A/c Dr
To 8% Debentures A/c
(Being Debentures taken over
discharged) 12000
Working Notes:
1. Purchase Consideration (Payment Basis)
Payment to No. Rate Amount
Equity Shareholders
Cash 6000 2.50 1500 0
Shares 9000 15.00 135000
Total 150000
2. No. of Debentures to be issued – Rs. 12000 / Rs. 96 = 125
3. Discount on issue of Debentures may be adjusted against Premium
received on issue of shares.
Illustration 10.
A Ltd. absorbed B Ltd. w.e.f 31st March 2017 when their Sum mary
Balance Sheets were as under:
Liabilities A Ltd. B Ltd Assets A Ltd. B Ltd.
Equity Shares
of Rs. 10 each
fully paid 1000000 400000 Land and
Building 440000 280000
Share of Rs.
100 each fully
paid 400000 400000 Plant and
Machinery 8400 00 520000
Reserves 40000 - Stock 580000 320000
Reserves 300000 100000 Sundry
Debtors 240000 280000
Export profit
reserves 80000 40000 Bills
s – Trade 260000 180000
reserves 100000 20000 Bank 40000 20000
Page 44
Financial Accounting
and Auditing
44 15%
Debentures 160000 -
Debentures 240000
Creditors 320000 400000
Total 2400000 160000
0 Total 240000
0 160000
Terms of Absorption:
a. A Ltd. will issue Eight Equity Shares for every Five Equity Shares in
B Ltd. of R s. 10 each at Rs. 1 1 per share.
b. 11% Preference shareholders of B Ltd. will be issued equal number of
preference shares in A Ltd. of Rs. 100 each at Rs. 105 per share.
c. A Ltd. agreed to take over the debentures of B Ltd. at book value.
Subsequently after absorption, 10% de bentures holders of B Ltd. are
discharged by A Ltd. issuing such number of its 15% Debentures of
Rs. 100 each so as to maintain the same amount of interest.
d. All the assets and liabilities of B Ltd were taken over at book value
except t he following which were revalued as follows
Land and building Rs. 300000
Plant and Machinery Rs. 500000
Stock Rs. 300000
Sundry Debtors Rs. 260000
Bills Receivable Rs. 160000
Sundry Creditors Rs. 380000
e. Cost of absorption amounting to Rs. 1 0000 was paid by A Ltd.
f. Creditors of B Ltd. include Rs. 10000 payable to A Ltd.
h. It was decided by directors of A Ltd. to set off goodwill and capital
reserve mutually.
You are required to:
1. Compute Purchase Consideration of B Ltd.
2. Pass Journal entries in the books of A L td.
3. Prepare Balance Sheet after absorption of A Ltd.
Page 45
AS 14 - Amalgamation,
Absorption & External
Reconstruction - II
45 Solution.
Statement of Purchase Consideration
No Particulars Amount
1 11% Preference Shareholders
4000 Preference Shares of Rs. 100
each at Rs. 105 each
(4000 X Rs. 105)
2 Equity Shareholders
64000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each
at Rs. 11 each
(40000 X 8/5) X Rs. 11
3 Purchase Consideration 1124000
Journal of A Ltd.
Sr. No Particulars Dr (Rs) Cr (Rs)
1 Business Purchase A/c Dr
To Liquidator of B
(Being Business purchased) 1124000
1124000 2 Land & Building A/c Dr Plant & machinery A/c Dr Stock A/c Dr
Debtors A/c Dr Bills Receivable A/c Dr Bank A/c Dr Goodwill (Bal. fig) Dr
To 10% Deb entures
of B Ltd
To Sundry
To Business
Purchase A/c
(Being Assets and Liabilities
Taken Over) 300000
Page 46
Financial Accounting
and Auditing
46 3 Liquidator of B Ltd. A/c Dr
To 11% Pref.
Shares Capital A/c
To Equity Share
Capital A/c
To Security
Premium A/c (20000 + 64000)
(Being PC discharged) 1124000
4 10% Debentures of B Ltd. A/c Dr
To 15%
Debentures (240000 X 10/15)
To Capital Reserve
(Being 15% Debentures
exchanged for 10%
Debentures) 240000
5 Amalgamation Adjustment
Reserve A/c Dr
To Export Profit
To Other
Statutory Reserve
(Being Export Profits and
Statutory reserve adjusted) 60000
6 Goodwill A/c Dr
To Bank A/c
(Being payment o f cost of
absorptio n) 10000
7 Sundry Creditors A/c Dr
To Sundry Debtors
(Being settlement of amount
payable by B Ltd. to A Ltd) 10000
8 Capital Reserve A/c Dr
To Goodwill A/c
(Being Goodwill and Capital
Reserve set off mutually) 80000
Page 47
AS 14 - Amalgamation,
Absorption & External
Reconstruction - II
47 A Ltd.
Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2017 (After Amalgamation)
No. Particulars Note No. Amount (Rs)
I Equity and Liabilities
1. Shareholders’ Fund
a. Share Capita l 1 2440000
b. Reserves and Surplus 2 604000
2. Non-Current Liabilities
Long Term Borrowings (15%
Debentures) 320000
3 Current Liabilities
Trade Payables (320000 + 380000
– 10000) 690000
Total 4054000
II Assets
1. Non-Current Assets
Property, Plant & Equipment
Tangible Assets 3 2080000
Intangible Assets (Goodwill –
204000 + 10000 – 80000) 134000
2. Current Assets
a. Inventories (580000 + 300000) 880000
b. Trade Receivables 4 910000
c. Cash & Cash Equ ivalent 5 50000
Total 4054000
Notes to Accounts
No Particulars Amount
1. Share Capital
a. Equity Share Capital
Issued and Fully paid up shares:
164000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each 1640000
b. Preference Share Capital
Issued and Fully paid u p shares:
8000, 11 % Preference Shares of Rs. 100 each 800000
Total 2440000
2. Reserves and Surplus
a. Security Premium 84000
Page 48
Financial Accounting
and Auditing
48 b. Revaluation Reserve 40000
c. Export Profit Reserve (80000 + 40000) 120000
d. Statutory Reserve (100000 + 20000) 120000
e. General Reserve 300000
f. Amalgamation Adjustment Reserve (60000)
Total 604000
3. Tangible Assets
Land & Building (440000 + 300000) 740000
Plant & Machinery (840000 + 500000) 1340000
Total 2080000
4 Trade Receivable
a. Debtors (240000 + 2 60000 – 10000) 4900 00
b. Bills Receivable (260000 + 160000) 420000
Total 910000
5 Cash and Cash Equivalent
Balance with Bank (60000 – 10000) 50000
Illustration 11)
B Co. Ltd had the following Summary Balance Sheet as on 31st March
B Co. Ltd
Liabilities B Ltd Assets B Ltd.
Share Capital Fixed Assets 8300000
50000 Shares of Rs.
100 each 5000000 Current
Assets 6900000
Capital Reserve 1000000 Investments 1700000
General Reserve 3600000 Goodwill 200000
Unsecured Loans 2200000
Sundry Credi tors 4200000
Provision for Taxation 1100000
Total 17100000 Total 17100000
B Co. Ltd is absorbed by Beesons Limited as on 31st March 2012 on
which date the summary balance sheet of Beesons Limited is as follows:
Page 49
AS 14 - Amalgamation,
Absorption & External
Reconstruction - II
49 Beesons Limited
Liabilities B Ltd Assets B Ltd.
Share C apital Fixed Assets 16000000 800000 Shares of Rs.
10 each 8000000 Current Assets 16800000 General Reserve 10000000
Secured Loans 4000000
Sundry Creditors 4600000
Provision for
Taxation 5200000
Provision for
Dividend 100000 0
Total 32800000 Total 32800000
For the purpose of the absorption the goodwill of B Co. Ltd is considered
valueless. There are also arrears of depreciation in B Co. Ltd amounting to
Rs. 400000. The shareholders in B Co. Ltd are allotted, in full satis faction
of their cl aims, shares in Beesons Limited in the same proportion as the
respective intrinsic values of the shares of the two Companies bear to one
Show necessary ledger accounts of B Co. Ltd and prepare the opening
balance sheet of Beeso n Limited after abs orption.
Calculation of Purchase Consideration (Net Assets Method)
Particulars B Co. Ltd Beeson Ltd. Intrinsic value of shares
Fixed Assets 8300000 16000000
Less. Arrears of Depreciation 400000 -
Net Fixed Assets 7900000 16000000
Current Assets 6900000 16800000
Investment 1700000 -
(A) 16500000 32800000
Less. Liabilities
Secured Loans - 400000
Unsecured Loans 2200000 -
Sundry Creditors 4200000 4600000
Provision for Taxation 1100000 5200000
Page 50
Financial Accounting
and Auditing
50 Provision for Div idend - 1000000
(B) 7500000 14800000
Intrinsic Value (A – B)
(Value of Net Assets) 9000000 18000000
Total No of Shares 50000 800000
Value per Share (Rs)
(Net Assets / No. of Shares) 180 22.50
Exchange Ratio:
Thus, shareholders of B Ltd. should get sh ares in Beesons Ltd . worth Rs.
9000000. The value per share of Beesons Ltd is Rs. 22.50. So, the number
of shares to be issued to the shareholders of B Ltd. = 9000000 / 22.50 =
In the Books of B Co. Ltd.
Dr. Realisation Account Cr.
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Sundry
Assets (Transfer) 17100000 By Sundry
Liabilities (Transfer) 7500000
By Beesons Limited
(PC Due) 9000000
By Equity
Shareholders (Loss
on Realisation) 600000
Total 17100000 Total 17100000
Dr. Equity Shareholders’ Account Cr.
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Realisation A/c
(Loss Transferred) 600000 By Equity
(Transfer) 5000000
To Shares in
Beesons Ltd (PC
Received) 9000000 By Reserves
(Transfer) 4600000
Total 9600000 Total 9600000
Page 51
AS 14 - Amalgamation,
Absorption & External
Reconstruction - II
51 Dr. Beesons Limited Account Cr.
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Realisation A/c
(PC Due) 9000000 By Shares in
Beesons Ltd. (PC
received) 9000000
Total 9600000 Total 9600000
Beesons Limited
Balance Sheet as a t 31st March 2012
Sr. No Particulars Note No Amount
I Equity and Liabilities
1. Shareholders’ Fund
a. Share Capital 1 1200000
B Reserves and Surplus 2 1500000
2. Non-Current Liabilities
Long Term Borrowings 3 6200000
3. Current Liabilities
a. Trade Payables 8800000
b. Short Term Provisions 4 7300000
Total 49300000
II Assets
1. Non Current Assets
a. Property, Plant and
Equipment 23900000
b. Non-current Investments 1700000
2. Current Assets 23700000
Total 49300000
Notes to accounts Amount (Rs)
Share Capital
Equity Share Capital
Issued, Subscribed and fully paid:
1200000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each
(Of the above 400000 shares issued on
amalgamation without consideration in cash) 12000000
Reserves and Surplus
Page 52
Financial Accounting
and Auditing
52 Security Premium 5000 000
General reserves 10000000
Total 15000000
Long term borrowings
Secured loans 4000000
Unsecured Loans 2200000
Total 6200000
Short Term Provisions
Provision for Tax 6300000
Proposed Dividends 1000000
Total 7300000
Illustra tion 12.
Tom Ltd. a greed to acquire business of Jerry Ltd. as on 31.03.2013. The
summarised Balance Sheet of Jerry Ltd. as on 31.03.2013 was as follows:
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount 12000 equity
shares of Rs. 10
each fully paid 120000 Goodwill 20000
General Reserve 34000 Building 60000
Profit and Loss
A/c 22000 Machinery 68000
6% Debentures 20000 Closing stock 33600
Creditors 4000 Debtors 7200
Account 11200
Total 200000 Total 200000
The consideration payable was as follows:
a. Cash pa yment equal to Rs. 2.50 per share in Jerry Ltd.
b. Issue of 18000 Equity shares of Rs. 10 each of Tom Ltd having an
agreed value of Rs. 15 per share.
c. Issue of such an amount of fully paid 9% Debentures of Tom Ltd. at
Rs. 96 each as is sufficient to discharg e 6% Debentures of Jerry at
20% premium.
d. While calculating the consideration the assets were revalued as
Building and Machinery at Rs. 120000 each, Stock at Rs. 28400
and Debtors subject to 5% provision for discount.
e. Liquidation expenses agreed to be paid by Jerry Ltd. was Rs. 1000
Page 53
AS 14 - Amalgamation,
Absorption & External
Reconstruction - II
53 Prepare:
1. Statement of Purchase Consideration
2. Necessary ledger accounts to close the books of Jerry Ltd.
3. Opening Journal entries in the books of Tom Ltd.
Statement of Purchase Consideration (Payment Metho d)
Payments to No. Rate Amount
Equity Shareholders
Cash 12000 2.50 30000
Shares 18000 15.00 270000
Total 300000
Ledger Accounts to close Books of Jerry Ltd.
Dr. Realisation Account Cr.
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Sun dry
Assets: By Sun dry
Goodwill 20000 Creditors 4000
Building 60000 Debentures 20000
Machinery 68000
Stock 33600 By Tom Ltd. A/c
(P.C) 300000
Debtors 7200
Bank 11200
To Cash
(Expenses) 1000
To Profit
transferred to
A/c (Bal. fig) 123000
Total 324000 Total 324000
Page 54
Financial Accounting
and Auditing
54 Dr. Cash Account Cr.
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Tom Ltd. 30000 By Realisation A/c
(Expenses) 1000
By Equity
Shareholders A/c 29000
Total 30000 Total 30000
Dr. Equity Sh areholders Account Cr.
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Cash 29000 By Equity Share
Capital 120000
To Equity Shares in
Tom Ltd. 270000 By General Reserve 34000
By Profit and Loss
A/c 22000
By Realisation A/c
(Profit) 123000
Total 299000 Total 299000
Dr. Tom Ltd. Account Cr.
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Realisation
A/c (P.C) 300000 By Cash 30000
By Equity
Shares in Tom
Ltd. 270000
Total 300000 Total 300000
Opening Journal Entries in the Books of To m Ltd.
No Particulars Dr (Rs) Cr (Rs)
1 Business Purchase A/c Dr
To Liquidation of Jerry
Ltd. A/c 300000
Page 55
AS 14 - Amalgamation,
Absorption & External
Reconstruction - II
55 2 Building A/c
Machinery A/c
Stock A/ c
Debtors (Gross)
Bank A/c
Goodwill A/c (Bal. fig)
To Provision for discount
on debtors
To Creditors
To Debentures (Old)
To Business Purchase
(Being assets and liabilities taken
over at agreed values, difference
transferred to Goodwill A/c) 120000
3 Liquidation of Jerry Ltd. A/c Dr
To Cash A/c
To Equity Share Capital
To Security Premium A/c
(Being P.C Settled) 300000
4 Debentures (Old) A/c Dr
Discount on issue o f debentures
A/c Dr
To 9% Debentures A/c
(Being debentures taken over
discharged) 24000
External Reconstructions
Illustration 13.
The following is the Summary Balance Sheet of Vikrant Ltd:
Liabilities Amou nt Assets Amount
Issued and paid up Intangible Assets 50000
Equity Share capital 500000 Fixed Assets 420000
Statutory Reserve (to
be maintained for 3
more years) 10000 Current assets 110000
Page 56
Financial Accounting
and Auditing
56 Debentures 100000 Profit and Loss A/c 80000
Creditors 50000
Total 660000 Total 660000
Virat Ltd. agreed to absorb Vikrant Ltd. on the following terms:
1. Virat Ltd. agreed to take over all the assets and liabilities
2. The assets of Vikrant Ltd. are to be considered to be worth Rs. 500000
3. The purchase price is to b e paid one -quarter in cash and the balance in
shares which are issued at the market price.
4. Liquidation expenses amounted to Rs. 300 agreed to be paid by
Vikrant Ltd.
5. Market value of shares of Rs. 10 each of Virat Ltd. is Rs. 12 per share.
6. Debentures of Vikrant Ltd. were p aid.
7. The amalgamation is in the nature of purchase.
You are required to show:
a. Purchase consideration
b. Ledger accounts in the books of Vikrant Ltd.
c. Opening entries in the books of Virat Ltd.
Purchase Consideration (PC)
Particu lars Rs Rs
Market value of assets taken
over: 500000
Less. Liabilities taken over
Creditors 50000
Debentures 100000 150000
Purchase consideration is to be
In Cash ¼ X Rs. 350000 87500
In Shares ¾ X Rs. 350000 262500
Working not es:
Nos of shares to be issued to the vendors co. has been calculated as under:
Amount to be paid in shares : ¾ of Rs. 350000 = 262500
Agreed value of 1 share Rs. 12
No of shares = 262500 / 12 21875 shares
Page 57
AS 14 - Amalgamation,
Absorption & External
Reconstruction - II
57 In the books of Vikr ant Ltd.
Dr. Realisation A ccount Cr.
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Intangible
Assets 50000 By Debentures 100000
To Fixed Assets 420000 By Creditors 50000
To Current Assets 110000 By Virat Ltd.
(PC) 350000
To Bank
(Expenses) 300 By E quity
(Loss on
realization) 80300
Total 580300 Total 580300
Dr. Equity Shareholders Account Cr.
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Realisation A/c 80300 By Equity Share
Capital 500000
To Profit and Loss
A/c 80000 By Sta tutory
Reserve 1000 0
To Bank 87200
To Shares in Virat
Ltd. 262500
Total 510000 Total 510000
Dr. Virat Limited Account Cr.
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Realisation
A/c 350000 By Bank
Account 87500
By Shares in
Virat L td. 262500
Total 350000 Total 350000
Dr. Bank Account Cr.
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Virat Ltd. 87500 By Realisation
A/c 300
By Equity 87200
Page 58
Financial Accounting
and Auditing
58 Shareholders
Total 87500 Total 87500
Dr. Equity S hares on V irat Ltd. Account Cr.
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Virat Ltd. 262500 By Equity
Shareholders 262500
Total 262500 Total 262500
In the books of Virat Limited
No Particulars Dr (Rs) Cr. (Rs)
1 Business Purchase A/c Dr.
To Liquidators of Vikrant Ltd.
A/c 350000
2 Fixed Assets A/c Dr Current Assets A/c Dr
To Trade Creditors A/c
To Debentures in Vikrant A/c
To Capital Reserve A/c
To Business Purchas e A/c 420000
3 Liquidation of Vikrant Ltd A/c Dr
To Equity Share Capital A/c
To Securities Premium A/c
To Bank A/c 350000
4 Amalgamation Adjustment
Reserve A/c
To St atutory Reserve 10000
5 Debentures in Vikrant A/c Dr
To Bank A/c 100000
Page 59
59 3
Unit Structure:
3.0 Objective
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Need for Conversion/ Translation
3.3 Accounting Standard
3.4 Definition of Terms (AS -11)
3.5 Translation of the Transactions
3.6 Translation of Balances at Year End
3.7 Exercises
3.8 Multi ple Choice Questions
3.9 Practical Problems
After studying this unit, the student will be able to:
Understand Foreign Currency Transactions
Describe the need for conversion
Know how to recognize exchange differences
Explain the accounting of foreign currency transactions
When a transaction takes place between two or more concerns which are
situated in the same region or country, their respective accounts are
finalized in the same currency.
However, when one of these concern s are located in another country, it
becomes difficult to record transactions in different currencies. Each of the
concerns then has to enter the transaction in this own/ domestic currency
in its books. Thus, a need to convert the currency arises by using currency
exchange rates.
For example, Arun & Co., Mumbai buys goods from Preston & Co. of
USA. The invoice for the same by Preston & Co. may be in US $ while
accounting by Arun & Co. will be in Indian Currency . The $ will have
to be converted into by appropriate exchange rate, in such a case.
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Financial Accounting
and Auditing
60 From the point of view of Arun & Co.:
“ ” is the Reporting Currency
“ $ “ is a Foreign Currency
From the point of view of Preston & Co.:
“ $ “ is the Reporting Currency
“ “ is the Foreign Currency
The rate of e xchange between $ and is the exchange rate
It is the process of converting the accounting data from one currency to
another. This may be required when an Indian concern may either be
selling or buying goods from a foreign concern.
The currency of settlement, until paid, amounts to a receivable or payable
which will require conversion to Indian currency at the date of initial
transaction and again on the date of finalization of accounts for the Indian
The fo llowing diagram depicts such a transaction:
In such a case,one of the concerns must accept the responsibility or
receive its payment in foreign currency. The party that agrees this incurs
an exchange gain or loss, depending on t he direction and amount of
exchange rate fluctuation between date of billing and date of payment.
For example, if a domestic importer has purchased goods from abroad and
is billed in a foreign currency, the invoice may be translated to domestic
currency a t current exchange rate as on the billing date. To settle the debt,
the domestic importer must acquire foreign currency for the purpose of
payment, between the billing date and the payment date. In case the Indian
Exporter Indian
Importer Foreign
Indian Export Foreign
Indian Export INRINRFCFCExchange Exchange
Page 61
Accounting of
Transactions of Foreign Currency
61 exchange rate fluctuated in that period, the subs equent acquisition of
foreign currency results in a gain or loss which falls on the domestic
importer. Had the billing been accounted for in domestic currency, the
exchange risk would have been with the foreign exporter. A similar case
can be drawn for a d omestic exporter and a foreign importer.
In order to maintain uniformity of accounting policies, principles and
treatments, ‘Accounting Standards’ are prescribed, which are to be
The Institute of Chartered Accountants o f India which is the sole authority
to issue the Accounting Standards has issued Accounting Standard 11
(AS-11) to cover the subject of foreign exchange transactions for
Standardization of Accounting treatments.
The said Standard has been revised and is m andatory. It is to be applied
w.e.f. 1st April 2004. But as far as the accounting for transactions in
foreign currencies entered into by the reporting enterprise itself before the
date this standard comes into effect, AS 11 (1994) i.e. (the old Standard)
will continue to be applicable.
Old AS 11 states that:
Exchange differences arising on transactions of foreign currency should be
recognized as income or an expense in the period in which they arise.
Exchange difference arising on repayment of liabilities i ncurred for the
purpose of acquisition of fixed assets, should be adjusted in the carrying
amount of the respective fixed assets.
Revised AS 11 states that:
Exchange difference arising on the settlement of monetary items should be
recognized as income or a n expense in the period in which they arise.
When the transaction is settled i.e. completed in the same accounting
period (ending 31st March) as that in which it arose, the entire exchange
difference arises in that period. However, when the transaction is settled in
the next accounting period, the exchange difference is spread over two
different accounting years and will have to be split into those two years on
time basis.
Closing rate is the exchange rate at the balance sheet da te
Average rate is the mean of the exchange rates in force during a period
Exchange rate is the ratio of exchange of currencies of two countries
Page 62
Financial Accounting
and Auditing
62 Foreign currency is the currency other than the reporting currency of an
Reporting currency is the c urrency used in presenting financial statements
In case the imports are on immediate payment basis, the concerned Indian
company will purchase US $ from an Indian bank and make such payment
in dollars to the concerned foreign company in USA. The dollar will be
purchased at the prevailing rate. Translation is done into rupees at that
time. This is known as initial recognition.
In case the import of goods is on credit basis, the tra nslation will be done
at different stages as below:
1. On the date of purchase the import will be recorded.
2. If the payment is outstanding, creditors will be recorded as on the
Balance Sheet date.
3. On the date of settlement, the payment in US $ will be recorded .
As the exchange rate may be different at each stage, it gives rise to the
following accounting problems:
1. At what rate translation should be done on each date i.e. (a) on the date
of purchase, (b) on the date of payment, (c) on the dat e of Balance
2. In instances the exchange rates are different, how profit or loss arising
due to such difference should be recorded in the books of accounts
The following balances in foreign currency need to be translated in rupees.
A. Monetary Items
Cash in Hand, Bank balances, Debtors, Creditors and Loans
B. Non-monetary Items
Fixed Assets, Long -term Investments, Inventory and Current
Rate of Translation
1. Monetary Items are translated at Closing rate or at realizable vale
(when closing rate is unrealistic)
2. Non-monetary Items are translated at historical cost or at fair value.
Page 63
Accounting of
Transactions of Foreign Currency
63 Treatment of Exchange difference
Exchange difference arises due to the following:
a) A transaction being reported at a rate different f rom the rate at which it
was initially recorded
b) A monetary or non -monetary item being settled at a rate different from
the rate at which it was initially recorded
c) A transaction being settled at a rate different from the one taken for the
reporting in the f inancial statement.
Illustration 1
Goods purchased on 0 3.03.2021 of US $ 20,000 45 per
US $
Exchange rate on 3 3.03.2021 44 per US $
Date of actual payment 07.07.2021 43 per US $
Ascertain the loss/gain for financial year 2020 -21 and 2021 -22 also give
their treatment as per AS 11
1. At the date of Transaction: As p er AS11 all foreign currency
transactions should be recorded at the exchange rate on the date of
Accordingly, goods purchased on 0 3.03.2021 and corresponding
creditors would be recorded at 9,00,000 (i.e. $ 20,000 x 45). At
the balance s heet date all monetary transactions should be reported at
the closing rate
2. At Reporting date: As per AS11 creditor of US $ 20,000 on
33.03.2021 should be reported at 8,80,000 (i.e. $ 20,000 x 44) and
exchange profit of 20,000 (i.e. 9,00,000 – 8,80,00 0) should be
credited to profit and loss account in the year 2020 -23.
3. Settlement date: As per AS11, exchange difference on settlement of
the account should be transferred to profit and loss account. Therefore,